Important Links:
Waterford Township Website
Oakland County Property Gateway (Can be used to look up your property lines)
Waterford’s designated Residential Waste Hauler
Waterford Township Community (New Residents)
Campfire Permits
Building Guidelines
Residents please login / register for more information pertaining to specific WMHA information.
We ask that everyone contribute an annual gift of $65. This is not mandatory, but it does help to pay for Snow Plowing, and mowing of our common areas of our subdivision among other items that are in the annual budget. We will keep you notified as to what your contributions/gifts of money are going toward in our newsletters. At our annual meeting there will be a spreadsheet providing these details as well.
Contribution questions can be directed to:
Robert Gutowski, Treasurer – Contact Us –
Please remit contribution check or cash to:
Waterford Meadows Homeowners Association (WMHA)
P.O. BOX 12
UNION LAKE, MI 48387-0012
We now accept electronic payments
Information needed to contribute using the below electronic forms can be found under the Resident LOGIN page of the Website.

We do also know that not everyone can afford to contribute this money but if you would like to contribute you may also do so in other ways.
- Spring and Fall Cleanup
- Donating items such as tulip bulbs or hostas (maybe you have some that are overgrown and can be cut in half) that may go toward making our entrance or common areas look better
- Contribute at our Association functions such as bake sales or block parties (which are soon to come)
If you would like to provide a contribution other than money please contact Michelle – President – Contact Us –
Digital Newsletter/Invoice Request
Please fill out the below form if you’d like to receive our future communications by email.