Per the Waterford Township Website:
When is a building permit required?
All new construction and any structural modifications made to an existing structure require a building permit. A permit is also required for any accessory structure over 200 square feet, and in all cases the accessory structure must meet all Zoning Ordinance requirements. Also, a permit is required for any electrical, plumbing, or heating work. All work for which a permit is required must be inspected and approved.
Re-shingling a roof, replacing windows, or vinyl siding are considered maintenance and do not require a permit. Any deck that is built on posts requires a permit but any poured patio or deck platform sitting on the ground does not require a permit. Fences do not require permits, but all Zoning Ordinance requirements must be met with fencing also. Contact our Planning Department for these requirements at 248-674-6256. For further details please contact our office, 248-674-6250.
A permit must be obtained for any structural, plumbing, electrical or mechanical work done in a commercial building and the required inspections ordered and approved.